Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The beginning of the Journey

Somewhere back in the spring, I observed before the Lord that I had never really had any kind of trial.  Not a real trial. . . not one that makes you hold on to your faith or one that brings out the worst or best in you.  Sure, I have had difficult pregnancies, a miscarriage, financial bumps, parenting issues . . . but nothing that has rocked my world.  I am a bit of a Pollyanna and somewhat proud of that.

On Tuesday, August 23rd, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

I always wondered how I would respond.  Now I know . . . Sure there were tears and crazy unknowns at first, but God was always there right by me.  I have to thank you Lord for loving me enough to give me a trial . . . a big one.  I thank You that I get to cling to You more each day.  I thank you for how my kids will get to watch as we give You glory.  I thank You for the family and friends that have come around me like nothing I ever expected.  I thank You for anyone along the way that I can share my faith with or tell my story to.  I thank You for this "interruption" to my normal life.  I thank you holding me all the way through this ordeal - start to finish.  I thank you that You knew ahead of time what my path would hold and how you know the final outcome.  I thank for the hours I got to ponder death in the beginning.  I thank You for the hours I have had to fully enjoy life.  I thank You that You took this lazy person and have changed me - physically, emotionally and spritually. . . how do people do this without You?

Some have asked, how could this happen?  I am 42 with no family history of breast cancer. I have had four great kids and nursed each one for 1 1/2 years.   I have less than 1% chance of getting breast cancer. . . less than 1%!

It all started with a pain in my arm pit about 5 months ago.  No one really knows (and still don't know) what is causing that pain.  But through trying to figure out what was going on, I went for my annual mammogram.  I don't think I would have gone this year, since the last 2 years have been fine.  I think I would have taken a pass.  Wow . . . that would have been harder next year.  In one year, I have developed 8 lumps (I can't feel them at all) and they are two kinds of cancer.  My official diagnosis is Invasive Ductal Carsinoma and one of the lumps is HR-2 positive (the fast growing kind).

The advice from both medical and homepathic folks has been overwhelmingly the same:  double masectomy and recontruction with chemo to follow.  There are a few people out there who think I should hold out with supplements and dietary constraints.  But . . . they may not have four sweet kids who would miss their mommy.  So tomorrow I am scheduling my surgery.

Why have a waited, you may ask?  I wanted to research all my options and interview the doctors.  I wanted a peace to come over me from the Lord.  I wanted to detox and get in better shape before the surgery for good long term results.  I didn't want to regret the decision.

Last week, I spent seven glorious days at one of my favorite places, the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego - an intense detox program that cleans you physically, mentally, emotionally and builds into you spiritually.  The program requires much effort, but the results are well worth it.  I feel great!  I am not as tired, no more headaches, lost 20 pounds, my skin is great!  Now I continue to eat this way at home - radical as it may be . . and will most likely continue for the rest of my life (you probably won't invite us to dinner anymore).

I learned that truly I was the perfect candidate for breast cancer:

1.  Highly Stressed (although I didn't realize it - that's another blog post to come)
2.  Emotions buried
3.  Poor diet (even though I knew better - I am a 3rd generation OHI participant)
4.  Out of control hormones
5.  Unwire bras 10 hours a day
6.  Huge Coffee Drinker
7.  Too much sugar
8.  Overweight

So that my friends, is the perfect breeding ground for these nasty suckers.  I figure at my age 40 of my girlfriends will have breast cancer in my lifetime.  If any of you can relate the points above, beware!

My friends . . . I have the greatest friends in the world!  So many of you have REALLY gone out of your way to be Jesus' hands and feet to me already and the journey has just begun.  You have watched my children for endless hours sacrificing your schedules (every day is a play date and the kids think Mommy's "sickness" isn't too bad!).  You have gone to doctor appointments with me, made us dinners, gone to a cancer conference for me and washed my clothes (our washer is broken!).  You have fixed my computer, massaged my back, set up this blog, straighten my house and made special food I can eat!  You have sent me cards, texts and prayers that have brightened my every day.  You have cried with me, listened to me (as these decisions are hard!) and shown me God's love.  For all of you who have asked to help . . . this journey is long and I will call on you soon!  This is the body of Christ at work, everyone!  Thank you sweet precious friends for being Jesus to me!

Many decisions lie ahead. . . . chemo, full-time help, weeks recovery, more doctors, etc.  However, for now, I rest in this day and what I can do today.

I will end with a verse from my quiet time:

"I am in pain and distress.  May your salvation, O God, protect me.  I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving" Ps. 69:29-30

Joy shining on the difficult times, reflects God's face!  Love to you all!


  1. Oh dear sweet Jeanna,

    I am so amazed at your faith and so thankful for your story. May God continue to hold you and be your refuge. Many prayers for your big day tomorrow. Much love to you!

    Mary Robin

  2. Abosultely encouraging, humbling, and beautiful to read. You are showing those sweet kids of your (and us as well) how to turn something serious into God's blessings. I know you will continue to show Christ through all of this. The Hosier's will continue to bathe your and yours in prayer!

  3. Jenna, though we haven't kept in touch too well over the years, I have peeked in on you through Chad's facebook from time-to-time and have been really touched by how God is working in and through you. You have a beautiful family, but I know the beauty is not just on the outside! Your news is tough to read, but I know that God is in control and trust that He will use your faith and testimony in many great ways. You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. May you be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power!
    Jennifer Huddleston

  4. Hello Friends!...I met Jeanna probably now about 13 years ago at Church. It's very hard to find strong Christian woman that bonded together as we taught a class on Spiritual Gifts.

    I little about me. I was vegan for 8 years and studied alternative medicine for a hobby. Many Christians laughed at...debating me about drinking milk..over cooked foods..etc. Jeanna thankfully WAS NOT ONE! I spend 2 weeks at OHI back in 2000. This economy destroyed my ability to afford organic uncooked for for juicing as well as the supplements. I have preached going to OHI to many people. Going to OHI is not EASY!...Many people bail out for a run to Burger King. What the FDA, AMA, and the US Dept. of Education don't tell you is there is a doctor called an N.M.D (Naturopathic Medical Doctor) that goes to as much schooling as an MD but with a focus on prevention. I was recently accepted to go to school in AZ) However, it's hard to even find work to pay for the pre-med classes before I go. I recommend everyone go to OHI. You must go for a minimum of 1 week. I am proud that Jeanna is following what God tells us in Genesis 'I have given you have herb and seed bearing plant for food'. If you would like free advice you can go to my facebook notes on "How to put your body in an alkaline state to fight cancer/diseases" That goes for you to Jeanna but something tells me you know this http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150615641165007 . It's very easy to just regurgitate the common Christian phrase "I'll pray for you.."..But it's another thing to remember our warning from God.."My people perish for their lack of knowledge"...Take care Fraulein and friends! Michael Davies

  5. I pray for you now Jeanna . God is able to heal .
    God is good all the time . We love you Jeanna!

  6. I'm loving you from Indiana, my friend. God is near. "My heart says of you, 'Seek His face.' Your face, Lord, I will seek." Ps. 27:8

  7. Jeanna,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you charge straight through this difficult process. Before you know it, you'll be at the other end of the tunnel celebrating. Stay strong.


  8. Thank you for following joyfully and obediently.

  9. Tears...and hugs through the web. I don't know if you remember, but when you were here we talked about coffee and the headaches. Here's the thing, about a week ago the Lord really convicted me of all the coffee I was drinking and the amount of non-dairy creamer which is probably just poison. I am on day 3 of my "detox" from it and I feel great. Now I am reading this post and have confirmation. I probably have ALL the things you listed above, in addition to having my mother diagnosed with breast cancer at 51. Thank you for sharing your story and being obedient. Love you...

  10. Jeanna, sorry to hear about the diagnosis. But then again, I have a friend who had a diagnosis of aggressive breast cancer, did the double mastectomy, and the treatment, and when I saw her in July/August, she said it was the best thing that happened to her. Really! She saw the outpouring of the body of Christ, deepened her already strong walk with God, and renewed friendships that had dwindled. May as much good come of your diagnosis as hers.

  11. We are covering you in prayer every day and we will be walking this journey with you from afar. Many hugs and lots of love!

  12. Dear Jeanna, I'd keep you in my prayer. The most beautiful thing in a Christian's life is we have Jesus walking with us daily. He'll take good care of everything if we put our faith and truth in Him. Thank you for sharing your story and your journey. XOXO

  13. Praying for you Jeanna, and so blessed by your sharing! Thank you for giving of yourself even at a time like this. Love to you, Kristen

  14. Hi Jeanna, We've been praying for you and your family daily since we heard of the diagnosis a couple weeks ago. Thanks for letting us know about your blog so we can continue to know how to pray. Hugs to you,


  15. Jeanna, thanks for sharing. I will certainly continue to keep you, your family, and the medical team in my prayers. I know you will do great as you have such a positive outlook.
    Such beautiful photos of your family. Take things one day at a time and lean into the true source of your strength as He loves you and your are His.


  16. "When praying for healing, ask great things of God and expect great things from God. But let us seek for that healing that really matters, the healing of the heart, enabling us to trust God simply, face God honestly, and live triumphantly."
    ~ Arlo F. Newell


  17. Praying for you and your family!!!!
    love Sylvia, pat, chrisian and baby evan

  18. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. I am touched by it and am learning so much from you! I will continue to pray for you, that you'd be uplifted by the support of others around you during this difficult time.

  19. Hello Jeanna! I heard about your blog from a very close friend Liza Angier. I am also a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed in the end of July. I had the double mastectomy with reconstruction and just had my last round of chemo. Mine is also invasive ductal carcinoma and it is her2 pos. I wanted to let you know that your blog is inspiring and I would like to offer my support if you need it. I wish all the best to you and your beautiful spirit and family. :) nicholedvm@gmail.com
