Saturday, January 21, 2012

Surgery Yesterday, Next Weeks Opportunities

Surgery Update

Yesterday, I completed the 2nd stage surgery for my breast reconstruction.  The surgery went well and I am home resting which leaves me time to think and blog.  My mom is here taking care of the kids with Bruce as it is hard to lift and use my arms.  Thank you for all of your prayers yesterday and for the meals coming the next couple of days.  I certainly felt the prayers and was at peace with everything.

The whole process is a bit odd, if you ask me.  It's just not something you ever think you are going to do.  Am I too big?  Am I too little?  What is the right size?  In the end, I tried to get as close as I could to the ones God originally gave me.  When all else fails, go with God's original plan, right?

So I am sore today and stiff.  I can't take a shower for a couple of days and I have the ace bandage on.  But underneath it all, I can tell it will be better - softer, more real.  This whole process has really had me just grateful for his eternal love for me.  Elisabeth Elliot once said "We can only know that Eternal Love is wiser than we, and we bow in adoration of that loving wisdom".

Health Cocktail

Whenever I post, I feel the need to include a health tidbit.  There is so much I am learning and I just know that I need to share it.  This year we have adopted a new health ritual that we do daily.  Bruce, myself and the kids, even my mom.  We take the Vitamin C cocktail to ward of any colds, diseases, etc. and we have made it halfway through the year very healthy.  We used to do Juice Plus or Airborne, but this works so much better and it is cheaper.  Once when I forgot to give it to the kids for a week, Danika got a fever.  But we quickly implemented it and she was better and no one else got it.  Praise the Lord!  For as you know, with four kids, when one gets sick, they ALL get it!

The Health Cocktail:  Juice or water 4 - 8 oz, 5 drops of Grapefruit seed extract (GSE - a natural antibiotic- I take 10 drops) and a capful of pure lemon extract (no oil - get at Sprouts for $2)  The kids drink it with a straw since the good stuff sinks to the bottom.

Try it!  We swear by it!  You will not be disappointed!

Bed REST is another word for Spiritual Stimulation

With time on my hands, I am catching up on my reading and sermons I have missed.  I love to just have the time.  God is working on two different lessons I am going to share Feb. 3rd.  One to our Elements Bible Study on marriage "Where did love go?"  God is teaching me so much about his love that I am excited about this.  And at the Sally Clarkson Mom Heart conference, I am going to share a little about "Where God is Hiding during trials?"  I have found not that He hides, but that I find Him outside of the usual places.  My old ways of connecting with God don't work, but new ones come when I let go and follow his lead.  So Feb. 3rd is a big day for me.  Looking forward to sharing, but also excited about the preparing.  Thanks in advance for your prayers!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Parasite Free 2012

As the new year begins, I have spent time writing out my new year's resolutions.  I am just that kind of gal. I like having goals and encouraging my kids to have goals.  This is the first year that "losing weight" has not been one of my resolutions.  What a freeing feeling that is!  I can't even tell you.  But instead I have added "exercising 4 times a week minimum" to the list.  This resolution of sweating will help me increase my oxygen and in turn keep away the cancer.

I got a body scan on Wed. from Claudia, my holistic doctor, and she said that I am not making cancer in my body, even in the smallest form (as I was once before in my ovaries and bones).  I am alkaline and oxygen rich.  While I still have strides to make with my thyroid, parasites and fungi, I am feeling very positive about where the Lord has brought me and the process He has allowed in my life.  It is a good place to be!

As many of you start the new year, you have asked me all kinds of questions.  I welcome any and all questions as I believe God has brought me on this journey to help others.  It seems that many of you are in search of "The New You" in 2012.  A healthier, fitter, thinner person than 2011.

I mentioned before that I have parasites.  I have a couple of really nasty ones that have aided in my auto-immune system takeover which was the pathway for cancer for me.  I probably got some of them traveling overseas or from mosquitoes while visiting back East.  I know so of you may be skeptical of that, but that's okay.  The list 13 symptoms I had first really had nothing to do with breast cancer, but they were symptoms of parasite activity in my body that led to me discovering breast cancer in the first place.

As we are in the beginning of a new year, I thought I would share a couple of ideas to keep your body healthier and parasite-free in 2012.  This is not an inclusive list, just one that was shared with me that we follow.  Happy New Year to you all!

1. Don't eat hamburger or ground beef of any kind.  I don't eat meat at all, but when I heard about all the parasites that are in ground meat.  I was disgusted because I used to eat it alot.  I liked it and it was cheap. One pound of burger has the parasites of up to 100 cows, not one, because they pool all of the animals together.  Also the FDA allows a certain amount of colon and feces in each pound.  So hamburger has the potential to be chock full of parasites.  If you must have hamburger:  get fillet mignon or another type of meat and have butcher grind it for you, it would be much healthier coming from one cow.

2.  Don't eat sushi.  Raw fish just isn't good for you.  There are parasites, no matter how fresh the fish is.  It's Bruce's favorite, but he feels better since he stopped eating it.

3.  Don't eat corn or corn products.  I know it is in everything.  Well, not everything since I still eat and I don't eat corn.  But it is terrible what is happening to the agricultural industry with Genetically Modified Food.  I know so many people up in arms about it.  Funny how the average American has no idea.  Google "GMO and corn" to read up on the arguments.  Either way our government is allowing big business to change the food that God gave us.  It is not good for us.  Period.  I buy organic corn products ONLY.  Even for my kids!

4.  Don't eat soy.  I know it, too, is in everything!  Not only is it GMO, but it also mimics estrogen in women and can lead to breast cancer.  Here is a good article to sum it all up for you:

This healthy eating thing is hard, but it is worth it!!!  I feel great.  Just eat the foods God gave us (that man hasn't infected) and you should be fine.  My favorite saying to my kids "If God wanted us to eat _____________________(goldfish, cookies, candy, anything bad, you fill in the blank), then He would have given us a ____________________ (goldfish, cookies, candy, anything bad, you fill in the blank) tree!"  Happy New Year!