Saturday, January 7, 2012

Parasite Free 2012

As the new year begins, I have spent time writing out my new year's resolutions.  I am just that kind of gal. I like having goals and encouraging my kids to have goals.  This is the first year that "losing weight" has not been one of my resolutions.  What a freeing feeling that is!  I can't even tell you.  But instead I have added "exercising 4 times a week minimum" to the list.  This resolution of sweating will help me increase my oxygen and in turn keep away the cancer.

I got a body scan on Wed. from Claudia, my holistic doctor, and she said that I am not making cancer in my body, even in the smallest form (as I was once before in my ovaries and bones).  I am alkaline and oxygen rich.  While I still have strides to make with my thyroid, parasites and fungi, I am feeling very positive about where the Lord has brought me and the process He has allowed in my life.  It is a good place to be!

As many of you start the new year, you have asked me all kinds of questions.  I welcome any and all questions as I believe God has brought me on this journey to help others.  It seems that many of you are in search of "The New You" in 2012.  A healthier, fitter, thinner person than 2011.

I mentioned before that I have parasites.  I have a couple of really nasty ones that have aided in my auto-immune system takeover which was the pathway for cancer for me.  I probably got some of them traveling overseas or from mosquitoes while visiting back East.  I know so of you may be skeptical of that, but that's okay.  The list 13 symptoms I had first really had nothing to do with breast cancer, but they were symptoms of parasite activity in my body that led to me discovering breast cancer in the first place.

As we are in the beginning of a new year, I thought I would share a couple of ideas to keep your body healthier and parasite-free in 2012.  This is not an inclusive list, just one that was shared with me that we follow.  Happy New Year to you all!

1. Don't eat hamburger or ground beef of any kind.  I don't eat meat at all, but when I heard about all the parasites that are in ground meat.  I was disgusted because I used to eat it alot.  I liked it and it was cheap. One pound of burger has the parasites of up to 100 cows, not one, because they pool all of the animals together.  Also the FDA allows a certain amount of colon and feces in each pound.  So hamburger has the potential to be chock full of parasites.  If you must have hamburger:  get fillet mignon or another type of meat and have butcher grind it for you, it would be much healthier coming from one cow.

2.  Don't eat sushi.  Raw fish just isn't good for you.  There are parasites, no matter how fresh the fish is.  It's Bruce's favorite, but he feels better since he stopped eating it.

3.  Don't eat corn or corn products.  I know it is in everything.  Well, not everything since I still eat and I don't eat corn.  But it is terrible what is happening to the agricultural industry with Genetically Modified Food.  I know so many people up in arms about it.  Funny how the average American has no idea.  Google "GMO and corn" to read up on the arguments.  Either way our government is allowing big business to change the food that God gave us.  It is not good for us.  Period.  I buy organic corn products ONLY.  Even for my kids!

4.  Don't eat soy.  I know it, too, is in everything!  Not only is it GMO, but it also mimics estrogen in women and can lead to breast cancer.  Here is a good article to sum it all up for you:

This healthy eating thing is hard, but it is worth it!!!  I feel great.  Just eat the foods God gave us (that man hasn't infected) and you should be fine.  My favorite saying to my kids "If God wanted us to eat _____________________(goldfish, cookies, candy, anything bad, you fill in the blank), then He would have given us a ____________________ (goldfish, cookies, candy, anything bad, you fill in the blank) tree!"  Happy New Year!


  1. okay, chick. Can you please fly to Texas...or better yet, I should fly to Cali so we could chat. This very thing has been on my mind ALL week and here you are posting about it. We have become so complacent with what we put into our bodies! It's also hard to research all of this and still do all the other things I need to, please keep these post coming. I'm absorbing all I can from you. I tell people your story ALL the time, they are skeptical, but I love to share it anyway! I just keep on talking and talking to blank faces!!! Love to you, so thankful for you!

  2. forgot to thing that is heavy on my heart is children. My husbands family is full of cancer so we actually had my hubby do the genetic testing. He is a carrier of the BRCA1 gene so I feel an overwhelming responsibility to do all I can do as the mother to lessen the odds for my family. It's tough...especially out here in no-where-ville East Texas where it's easier to grab something processed. To drive an hour for organic goodies takes a toll on me but I know God's best is what I desire so....we are encouraged by you!!

  3. so encouraged by your post and learnin a lot, i had no idea about soy!

  4. I have a couple of good book recommendations for anyone interested. The first is "The Fungus Link" by Doug Kaufmann, who is the expert on fungi. It includes his diet to help kill the parasites in our bodies....we all have them! Antibiotics wipe out our normal flora, and increase the 'bad dudes'. It's a 'must' read. Also a book titled, "Detoxify or Die" by Sherry Rogers, M.D. I've just read both of these and they are 'staples' in my much info that most will never hear about, but everyone needs!

    Another 'hot' subject is immunizations and flu shots. People need to really search the truth out. The State of California made it 'mandatory' this year for any public school students to have their shots prior to the school year, or they could not register. The truth is, they CAN register by filling out an exemption form....which thank God, is still allowed in this State! Don't 'buy in' to anything, but do your research. It could save your life in the long run!

    1. Charlene, hope that release form you talked about is in CA state??? I am like you, I passed on those shots that are Pharm industry benefit. $$$$$$ We do NOT live in a epicdemic county. Let me know. I have a 3yr old and know I have a battle and roll of eyes when I say I do not want those shots for my son, nor I.
