This morning I went out to breakfast with my girlfriend, Tami, and she treated me to a "Goddess of Green" juice at Mothers Market. We did some shopping where I had the chance to find some more options to eat. I have been eating a very limited diet - a detox diet. After surgery, I went on "the maintenance lifestyle diet" and that is where I intend to stay to that I will not become a "happy" environment for cancer to grow. I learned all of this at the Optimum Health Institute and through much research. I believe that God is glorified and will continued to be glorified as I eat the wonderful food that He gave us to eat in the first place.
Many of you have asked what and how I am eating. So in this blog, I will briefly describe my eating habits for those of you that are health challenged, for those of you who want to be more healthy and for those of you who are curious. I know that it will seem extreme for those of you who are not health challenged. But when you here the "C" word, you just might do it. Especially if you have four sweet kids loving on you that you want to see grow up!
Basically I am eating a RAW diet with proper food combining with proper transit time for digestion. There is a focus on my body being the temple of the Lord where I am balance in all areas.
Detox diet
When I learned I had cancer, this was my protocol right away.
1. 2 oz. of whetgrass twice daily.
2. I drank water based on my weight (ex. 140 pounds divided in half = 70 ounces of water a day) We have Mountain Valley Spring Water delivered to our house.
3. I ate a diet of only organic sprout, fresh vegetable, fruits, buckwheat, sunflower greens, sauerkraut (raw), seed sauces, sprouted grains, sprouted seeds and foods dehydrated at 105 degrees. (I ate no fruit or starchy veggies - i.e. carrots, beets, jicama, etc.)
4. I went on a liquid diet one day a week. (Juicing once per week keeps toxins from building up)
5. TMI for some of you - I did enemas and colonics daily to flush out toxins.
They say it takes three months to detox complete. Detox is complete when you have no body odor, no coating on the tongue, a feeling of well-being, mental clarity, increased energy, consistent elimination of the last meal that was eaten (at least 2 times a day) and all conditions are clear (if there was a health challenge).
I incorporated into my diet a variety of supplements to aid against cancer. They included: Vitamin C (Lemon extract capful in water), Vitamin D, a probiotic (Tru Flora), Vitamin B and Bee pollen, Jason Winters Tea, Hemp Oil and Ezzeac Plus and Cats Claw.
Maintenance Diet
Now, I have added in some fruit, some grains, beans, and a few items that are cooked. I eat at least 80% raw and 20% cooked per day. I only have 2 oz. of wheatgrass a day. Colonics or enemas rarely.
The 5 Rules of Food Combining:
1. Liquids Alone (juice, water, etc.) takes 0 - 30 minutes to digest
2. Melons Alone (takes 1 hour to digest)
3. Fruits Alone (takes 1 hour to digest)
4. Do not combine acid fruits and sweet fruits
5. The most important one: Do not combine dense proteins (nuts, avocados, seeds, for some of you, meat, dairy, etc) with dense starches (corn artichokes, squash, potatoes, grains, beans - also pasta, rice, bread, etc) At OHI, we learned to say "Starch and Protein - NO, NO, NO"
Here are all the things I avoid:
No Sugar (sweetners, etc.)
No microwaved foods and water
No Pasteurized juices
No carbonated drinks
No meat, fish, chicken or dairy
No Mayo products, flour products, white foods or soy
No peanuts (they have terrible mold that is linked to cancer)
No caffeine
No pepper
I do allow myself oil, vinegar and salt which are on the list to avoid but in small quantities and I think it is okay.
My typical day looks like this:
Breakfast: Vegetable juice that we make at home
About 1/2 later, I have 2 oz. of wheatgrass that we juice at home too (wait 1 hour for digestion)
Lunch: Salad with homemade dressing - lots of sprouts, kelp flakes, etc. (wait 2 hours for digestion and then drink water)
Snack: Rice cakes with seaweed
Dinner: Lentil salad with avocado and nuts (wait 2 hours for digestion and then dates for desert)
I know it seems crazy, but God has honored my new lifestyle change. I wish that all of the food we eat in America was not so filled with toxins. If I could go back to the days of old, I probably could eat meat, grains, etc. off the land, but unfortunately times are different and for me and my cancer, this is what God used.
"Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God" 2 Cor. 7:1
Here are a couple tips I recently read on a friends facebook page as she was giving awareness for Breast Cancer. These are the food related tips. Thought you would like them:
Tip #1: Avoid ALL types of Sugar. Try to eliminate Sugar or artificial sweeteners, MSG, or any kind of excitotoxic chemicals and glutamates. These have been found to be enormously powerful stimulants for cancer growth and invasion. It is vitally important for cancer patients to limit sugar intake, as cancer cells create energy to grow and spread by fermenting sugar.
Tip #2 Eat Organic. It is significantly hight in its content of vitamins and minerals. It does not contain the meriad of toxins from pesticide. In an analysis done over two years by John Robbins (The Food Revolution), the mineral content of organic vs. conventional. Here are the stats: 63% hight in calcium, 60% higher in Zinc, 73% higher in Iodine, 59% higher in Iron, 138% higher in Magnesium, 125% higher in potassium, 390% higher in selenium, and 78% gigher in chromium.
Tip #3: Neutralize and eliminate toxins in the body. The key organs to do that are the liver, kidneys, and the lymphatic systems. For a simple detox for the liver, take a fresh lemon every morning, cut it in half, squeeze the juice out of both halves, and pour it into six to eight ounces of water. For an intense detox, enroll at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego for a week.
Tip #4: Incorporate Turmeric (the spice) into your diet. It is one of the most powerful cancer inhibitors. Try cooking with it or you can take it in a form of a supplement.
Tip #5: Natural folic acid (found in leafy green vegetables, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, cauliflower) boosts the body's natural defenses against cancer.
Tip #6: Pay attention to how many carbohydrates you consume at one time, as eating too many will increase your blood glucose level. Sugar fuels cancer and precancerous cells and produces excess insulin, which acts as a second stimulating factor for cell growth, cell division, and ultimately multiplication of these "bad" cells. Most carbohydrates contain Omega 6. Cut back on omega-6 fats and increase omega-3 fat intake to reduce inflammation.
Tip #7: Aspartame, also known as Nutrasweet, is an artificial sweetener used in more than 6,000 products. Experiments conducted on rats have already shown that it is capable of inducing cancer in multiple body regions, and its carcinogenic effects are increased when exposure begins in the womb. Aspartame is metabolized inside your body into wood alcohol, methanol, which is a poison, and formaldehyde, which is used to embalm tissue. Since it is not eliminated from your body through the normal waste filtering done by your liver and kidneys it can increase your risk of cancer.
Tip #8: If you eat meat, avoid: meats grilled or broiled at high temperatures. It is the manner in which the meat is prepared that determines whether it is carcinogenic. When broiled or grilled at high temperatures, meat forms many potent carcinogens, including toxic lipid peroxides and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These compounds are extremely harmful to breast tissue. Research has shown that women who ate a lot of grilled, barbecued, and smoked meats and very few fruits and vegetables had a higher risk of breast cancer compared to women who didn't eat a lot of grilled meats.
Steps you can take:
- Choose lean cuts of meat and trim the fat to avoid PAHs.
- Grill at lower temperatures.
- Consider precooking (roasting or baking) meat before grilling to cook off fat.
- Don't use recipes for "blackened" foods.
- Trim off any charred or burned parts of food.
- Avoid overcooking (and undercooking) by using a meat thermometer to cook meat to the correct temperature indicated on the thermometer.
- Marinade meats in herb mixtures to reduce HCAs. Research shows the herbs in marinades reduce HCAs.
- Not cooking food directly over the flame, because fat or marinade dripping on briquettes or gas flames can create flare-ups that contribute to HCAs and form other potential carcinogens.