There is such a satisfaction in working really hard and then seeing results, isn't there?
I wonder if God ever feels that way about us? . . . He works really hard in His sovereign, holy way at helping us become more Christ-like. I wonder if He gets satisfaction from seeing results in us . . .
For the last 6 weeks, I have been going to a holistic scientist who does a scan of my body with radio frequencies. She tells me what is going on and then she administers treatments. I love that she is the only person who was able to explain ALL of my 13 crazy symptoms I had (without ever seeing the list). She has amazed me and I continue to believe that God is working through her. Every time I see her she is always moving quickly and telling me that the cancer cells are metastasizing to other parts of my body. This of course has not alway delighted me, but I know that these suckers do fight harder once you change their environment so I was not shocked.
Today is the first time that they are NOT active!!!! Whatever I am doing and God is doing in me (through so many of your prayers) is working! Of course it is, right? Why do I ever doubt that? Today we actually got to work on the tumors present in my body and got to deal with things at hand without putting out fires elsewhere. Yes, God is healing me. He is good all the time!
Also another praise is that I met an oncologist who doesn't want to throw me on chemo right away. She said she will even see me and be a lifelong friend and doctor to me, even if I reject traditional methods and stay my holistic route after surgery. Wow!! I was so excited to meet her that I could have kissed her!
As I am meeting all the doctors and so many people along this cancer road I am on, I am reminded of the sermon at church on Sunday that Kenton Beshore, our pastor gave on Acts 3 and 4. A quick summary: John and Peter healed a lame man and got thrown into jail for it. The leaders at the time did not know what to do with them because they gave Jesus all the glory and people were praising His name everywhere. They let them go but told them don't ever speak the name of Jesus again. HA! Here is the prayer that they gave back at their home church:
“Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David. . . Indeed, Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen. Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus" Act. 4:24-30
This prayer has stuck with me ALL week! First, they told God he was Sovereign and in charge basically. I copy this prayer by agreeing with them. God is sovereign and completely in charge of my journey. I am grateful to be in His very capable hands. Second, they asked for GREAT boldness! They didn't pray for safety or comfort, but boldness. Lord, let me have GREAT boldness with all the doctors, nurses, people I meet along this journey and bring you glory through it. Lastly, they asked for God to perform miracles - not for them, but for others. So Lord, I pray that you heal and perform miracles in others lives, not mine, but others so that they might know you!!!
Just to clarify though, it would be okay with me God if you did choose to heal me in a miraculous way too. . . that would be kind of fun. But if not, I'll take the normal healing path and give you ALL the glory along the way because ultimately YOU are the Healer!
Thank you AGAIN Jeanna for your complete candor and encouragement along your journey.
ReplyDeleteJeanna, I pray with you and I'm glad to hear that you "choose to live". Faith is the "healer" of all things and you've got that down to a "T". I'm cheering you thru all this. Much love to you and your family :)