Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Kids are NOT Science Experiments

Getting cancer opened my eyes to so many things and one of the great SHOCKERS to me was about GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).  Just to bring you up to speed on the "big deal" about GMOs.  Today, an estimated 75 to 80% of processed food in the U.S. contains GMOs and because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has declared GMOs “substantially equivalent” to foods produced with traditionally bred plants and animals, Americans have no idea that everyday they eat foods that contain genetically altered genes that have been engineered in a laboratory changed at the molecular level.

So what is the big deal?  First of all, there has been no long-term human testing done on GMOs.  So essentially, you and I, and more importantly our kids, are a science experiment.  When GMOs were tested on animals it had terrible side effects:  Infertility, immune system suppression, accelerated aging, severe allergic reactions and altered genes.  There was a 6x birth mortality rate in the animals tested.

Second, GMOs change our farms and food supply dramatically.  Not only do they increase pesticide use, but it destroys sustainable agriculture with cross - pollination.  GMOs create super-weeds and decreased trade for the US farmers.  Creating this Monoculture makes our food more susceptible to disease and pests while introducing the terminator gene and putting our ecosystem in a very fragile state.

Next, GMOs are in EVERYTHING.  Well, almost everything.  You can't even find a non-GMO ear of corn anymore, even if it is organic.  The high-risk foods so far are:  Corn, Canola, Cotton, Papaya, Soy, Sugar beets, zucchini and alfalfa.  And our meat, milk, eggs and honey are contaminated because of the feed.  So every day we are feeding this stuff to our kids, thinking we are being healthy!

Lastly, these BIG companies (like the giant Monsanto) have changed what the God of the universe made for us, his people, to eat.  If that doesn't get you all bent out of shape like me, then I don't know what will!!!  How dare them change what He has made and risk all of the other animals, plants and the ecosystem to do it in the name of the all mighty dollar!

This November, we will get a chance to have these GMOs labeled on all our food. Then we can decide!  Imagine my delight and surprise to see a poster in Mother's Market letting us know that the ballot will contain this opportunity for us.  So don't forget to VOTE YES on 37 - for the right to know what is in our food.  And we will join the other 50 countries - 50 COUNTRIES - that already ban GMOs and all of our American produce (Europe, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and even Russia!)  I have a hard time understanding why our government would ever have allowed this in the first place, but now it is our chance to change it!

Bring back the food God gave us in the first place!  
He is wise and created us for his good pleasure. 
He knows what is good for us! 

Isaiah 42:5-6 "Thus says God the Lord, who created the heavens, and stretched them out.  Who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk on it,
 "I the Lord have called you in righteousness and will hold your hand"

1 comment:

  1. Jeanna, I am so very thankful for your post on this. When we were in the states two years ago we spent five months on furlough. During the last 2 1/2 months I didn't feel well. I even went to the doctor, but he could find nothing. Once we arrived back in Uganda I felt better. I completely attribute the problem to the food in the U.S. Here, we eat fresh from the ground, and even our meat is fresh from the grazing field. All the fresh fruit and vegetables we eat plus the lack of packaged food (and the fact that none of what is grown here is GMO, but REAL from GOD's way!!!) truly contributes to better health!!!!! I am looking forward to a furlough to see friends and family, but NOT to eat all that yucky food!!! It will be a challenge to find healthy food, it seems!
    I welcome your suggestions on grocery stores to frequent that have no GMO products.
