Saturday, December 17, 2011

Healthy Christmas Gifts to ask for!

Part of my cancer journey was to change so many things in my daily life.  Things that I never really considered before.  I realized that many of the external things in my home, make up bag, shower, etc. were just as important as the food I was putting in my body and the stress I was creating in my life.

The Food and Drug administration does not really monitor what goes into all of these items.  There is always the hope that they will, but we can never be too sure.  It is really my job to make sure that as much as I am able, I keep the purest things from going on and in my body.  You have to read the ingredients because they can say organic on the front and only have one organic ingredient.

Toxins come in many forms.  Foreign elements that create all kinds of problems in our body.  A recent study talks about the growing concern in the amount of toxins in our environment.  The study reveals individuals may be even more vulnerable to toxicants than previously thought. "It's even likely that there's an even higher burden of disease from our exposures to different chemicals because we are exposed to so many simultaneously," she says.  I learned through biofeedback that I had many toxic issues, so I began cleaning up my act.

My cancer was estrogen positive.  I learned from blood tests a year ago that my hormones were out of whack.  During my cancer "clean up", I learned that many products I use INCREASE the estrogen and make my hormones off balance.  My hormones now are completely normal.  I learned that all women my age, some older and some younger, have hormone issues that could be corrected by detoxing your bathroom and home.

Listed below are some of the items I have changed and what I do now.

Scrub brush natural fiber with
Jojoba oil and Sesame oil
1.  Take the chemicals out of your lotions.  Your skin is an organ, just like any of them in your body.  What you put on it is absorbed into your system.  Dry skin is just a symptom for a root issue somewhere else in your body that needs detoxing.  Lotion just hides the problem.
       What I do:  I dry brush before I take a shower for up to 10 minutes.  Rubbing in circles from my outer extremities to my heart.  This helps with ridding your body of toxins (pounds of them!), helps circulation and exercises the skin.  Then after I take a shower, I don't dry off.  I rub either organic jojoba oil or organic sesame oil on my skin with the water, even on my face.  In a few minutes, the water is absorbed into my skin with the oil.  I only use the towel for my back and hair.  My skin is soft and not dry.

Face lotion from the Optiumum
Health Institute; Face scrub from
Soul at Home and Face soap
from Mothers
2.  Change your face routine.  Have you seen the list of ingredients in your face products?  Are you a chemist?  My rule of thumb is "If I don't know what it is, I don't buy it"  At Mothers and Sprouts, they sell a plethora of facial products that are "healthy".  Remember, your face is an organ too.  You want to get rid of PARABEN.  It is a preservative that keeps the shelf life.  It mimics estrogen and causes cancer. Parabens can be found in shampoos, commercial moisturizers, shaving gels, cleansing gels, personal lubricants, topical pharmaceuticals and toothpaste.  So many things that you use.  Studies have also shown it can effect the reproductive organs, especially in children.  When there are safe alternatives, why would we use this?  They also use it in "food additives" so make sure you can read your food ingredients too.

My favorite shampoo and
3.  Take the poison out of your soap, toothpaste and shampoos.  Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and its close relative Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) are commonly used in many soaps, shampoos, detergents, toothpastes and other products that we expect to "foam up". Both chemicals are very effective foaming agents, chemically known as surfactants.  The problem is they are poison.  In the same way as it dissolves the grease on car engines, sodium lauryl sulfate also dissolves the oils on your skin, which can cause a drying effect.  They are a variety of health issues that are related.  For more info read this article:

My deodorant
4.  Throw away your deodorant.  I know this sounds extreme, but it is so bad for you!  Your odor is caused by toxins on the inside and bacteria on your skin.  The chemicals you are putting on your skin are just masking the problem.  I am proud to say that I do not wear deodorant and I have no body odor.  You can be this way too!  I used to wear Mitchums for years because I sweat and smell, but no more.  One of the key ingredients in anti perspirants is aluminum chlorhydrate, a salt that reduces perspiration and it is linked to Alzheimers. They also have paraben in them too. More importantly, your body is trying to tell you something - you need a good detox and to eat healthier.  That is what it is saying when you have body odor.  I spray on liquid minerals to help with my intake of minerals and to keep my skin bacteria free.

5.  Buy new feminine products.  Most of us women have been using tampons every month since we went through puberty.  Did you know that cotton is the most heavily pesticide treated product in the US?  We don't eat cotton so there is no regulation on it.  BUT we make tampons out of them!  We put them in our bodies for hours and for days without thinking of the pesticides in them.  Studies have shown that it lengthens your period and causes a heavier flow, as well as releasing toxins into your system.  I have switched to organic tampons and pads.  They are a bit more expensive, but it is worth it.  

Our favorite toothpaste and
my lipsticks
6. Rethink your cosmetics.  We put foundation, blush, lipstick, etc. on our skin.  We wear it all day, so it should be something that is good for us, or at least not bad for us.  Most of us EAT on average 5 pounds of lipstick or lip gloss a year.  It is filled with parabens (a couple of different kinds), red dye 22 and 36 (linked to cancer and nervous system failure) and Tocopheryl Acetate, which causes itching, swelling, etc.  Not to mention, the squished up insects they use - Yuck!  For me, I have bought all of my lip products at Mothers.  They are made with hemp, vegetables and natural products.  They sure taste better and I feel so much better wearing them.

I have a few more items to discuss in another blog, but this should get you started.  Don't forget to check your cleaning products too.  If you can't read the ingredient and you have to be a chemist to know, then it is most likely bad for you!  If you spray it in your house, you inhale it and eat it!

Spiritual application:  So as always I see the spiritual side to all of this.  I really am beginning to see how the world has really strayed so far from God's original plan in so many ways.  I believe God wanted us to eat the food he created for us, not the junk that we have man-made.  Like when we sin, we have gotten so far off the beaten path.  America can hardly see another way of living.  The food and items that are so bad for us are so readily available.  Just like when we sin, temptation can be everywhere!  I am sad for the state of our world, for our sakes, for our kids sakes.  Like I tell my kids, if God intended us to eat "Goldfish", He would have made a Goldfish tree. If we all demand a better way, "they" will have to follow.  If the world rejected the fake foods, and only bought organic, things would be cheaper (supply and demand)!    When will we wake up America!   The statistic changed this year:  one out of every two Americans will have cancer before you die!  1 out of 2!  It used to be 1 out of 3.  They say that by the year 2020, 1 out of 1 Americans will have cancer.  Maybe then we will listen . . . maybe.  For me, I am doing my best to live the way God intended us to eat.  I am already part of the cancer statistic, but by God's grace I can live to see another day and help all of you who are ready to make a change!


  1. Great post. Ive been paraben free for several months and really feel better...using the all natural stuff like you mentioned here...even stopped using plastic to store and heat our foods! Wanted to tell you instead of the pricey The Keeper. It is awesome...ive only used it one month but it has been great. Check into it and let me know what you think. I cant wait to hear more!

  2. Wow! Amazing isn't it? Thank you for all the great information Jeanna!

  3. Thanks Jeanna! I printed this and will do a "walk through" and purge in my home.

  4. Good words Jeanna. I'm reading Sugar Busters and the message is similar.
